What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menowercogitatus; A Thinking Thursday Offering

The period of Lent in the Christian calendar (which we have now entered) is intended as a period of reflection upon oneself and relationship with a higher essence of being. Few people now take seriously the concept of introspection and self-correction. One does not have to be an adherent to any religion to make use of such a period. It is a sound mental and emotional hygiene practice.  

There are many tools and aids to help us focus and process in such times as we allow for such introspection. As a practitioner and teacher of Advaita Vedanta, it will not surprise you that I find the chanting of mantras (prayers) to be a good anchor. One in particular arises at this time, for Lent runs almost parallel to the approach of Maha Shivratri - which itself is echoed to some degree in Easter, with the concept of there needing to be a 'death' before life can be reset. From destruction, renewal. 

महामृत्युंजय मन्त्रः -
Maha MRtyunjaya Mantra -

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे
सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्
मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॥
Om Try-Ambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pushtti-Vardhanam
Urvaarukam-Iva Bandhanaan
MRtyor-Mukshiiya MaamRtaat ||

Om, We Worship the Three-Eyed One (Lord Shiva),
Who is Fragrant (Spiritual Essence) and Who Nourishes all beings.
May He sever our Bondage of Samsara (Worldly Life), 
like a Cucumber (severed from the bondage of its Creeper), ...
and thus Liberate us from the Fear of Death by making us realize that we are never separated from our Immortal Nature.

This mantra is perceived as being a ward against death and severe illness - or to release the spirit which may be lingering overlong. It is certainly most helpful at these times. But it can also be used for times of great change (death being nothing but the ultimate change for the soul); changing schools for youngsters, moving home or country, upheaval at work. Anytime where we have a sense of fear and uncertainty, the Maha-MRtunjaya can empower us. Fear is the great debilitator and this mantra aids the removal of fear. It is a prayer for the removal of bonds...


  1. Hari Om 🙏
    Soothing recitation.

  2. I'm afraid I'm revealing a lack of seriousnessness here in smiling at the 'like a cucumber' line in the mantra. Something lost is translation (or cultural context)?
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. it brings a little bit inner peace...

  4. the one thing i can attest to are your words, Fear is the great debilitator . I am a prime example of what fears can do.

  5. Thanks for sharing this prayer! Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. I get up every day, go for a walk, enjoy nature, I’m happy. I feel no desire to chant.

  7. YAM so many degrees of fear. It is important that all of us recognize that other's fears are real to them even if not to us.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I loved the video and your prayer.

  9. It seems odd that so few seriously consider the need for introspection and self-correction, though I know it's true.


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