What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; An FFF/NF Combi-Post

I have been following Putman and Robin in the instything for a wee while now. Thought I would share them with you, as the daily (and sometimes twice daily) posts with the Robins dancing or singing or scoffing dried grubs cannot help but bring a smile. 

There's been a hiccup, though. A recent update has further deteriorated service at IG (further eroding my relationship with it - I am only hanging on because there are some there I cannot see or contact any other way), which has resulted in my not being able to capture the embed coding. It's there, but it flashes away in two seconds before even my lightning reflexes can catch it. 

Soooooooo, I am going to give you a screenshot of the post I wanted to share, where Mr Putman tells you a little bit about the Robins, and we hear Bobbin telling the gossip. Click the image to go to the post and hear them for yourselves - truly, you won't regret the 90 seconds!

You may find yourself wanting to watch a few more of the posts. Can't beat a bit of bird teevee! 

Meanwhile, earlier in the week, between showers, I slowly loaded up The Grey once more, ready for travel. If it has gone according to plan, as you read yesterday, I am on the road now and may go a tad MIA, at least for a few days. Getting back into the saddle, as it were. This, then, is perhaps not my own best-ever FFF offering, but if you clicked the link, it may have brought just a wee bit of joy your way, and my job is done.



  1. I always smile when I see a robin.
    The weather in Aberdeen was lovely yesterday and as I and my Thursday cycling friends were enjoying Spring sunshine in Aberdeen I was hoping you had the same in your part of Scotland.
    Cheers, Gail.
    P S Nobby has 'lent' his blog to a neighbour this Friday. This is his FFF post!

  2. robins are nice... they make good mood, I have immediately the rockin robin song in my head...

  3. He was one of the first (non-family or friend type) I started following after i joined the insty thing. We missed wee Bob, but Bobbin seems to have stepped up to fill the void. Safe journeying.

  4. I love the sweet robin! Safe travels, have a great weekend.

  5. We don't have an instagram account. Is that why we can't hear the Robin singing his heart out? Safe travels.

    1. Hari Om
      No, you should be able to hear... maybe check it wasn't on mute...Yxx

  6. Precious and sweet Robin with a joyful twitter. glad i came here now. i think i forgot to add the badge to the FFF. off to check. have fun out there

  7. I follow them too. Robins are bold and cheeky!
    Safe travels xx

  8. Have The Grey will travel is the song of our sweet Scottish Friend YAM!!
    Safe travels and thanks for taking us along
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Hi Yam - I've been remembering the 23d for you - but with all this week's shenanigans it's been forgotten - have a happy trip - lots of rain to encounter too - I do hope it brightens up soon somewhere along the way ... oh yes robins are wonderful singers - enjoy the travels ... cheers Hilary

  10. What a cute little robin. We checked out the Instagram account and think his videos are wonderful.

  11. Such a cute little robin, I'll have to follow the account.
    Hope the weather starts cooperating with you and the Grey.
    Sending pawsitive travel vibes!

  12. Such a sweet little Scottish robin. Ours are different in the US. Still have the red breast, though. namaste, janice xx


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