What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menombling; Then It Was Wednesday

When I awoke on Wednesday morning on that Moffat week, I was aware of a dry, gruff throat. Nothing more than that, then. I put it down to exhaustion from the previous day's fantastic adventure and just upped my fluid intake. We were off on another drive, this time to Sanquhar, where Aitch could gather more caches and I would spend time with fellow blogger "GZ" of the blog "Ook?" - our first 'in flesh' meet up. (That link takes you to her post/report about the day.)

The oldest operational Post Office in the world. Operational since 1712.

The drive was pleasant, going once again through Leadhills and Wanlockhead and collecting a few caches as we went. I parked Grey by the charger and left him to guzzle power, while we went down to A' The Airts to meet Gwynneth and have lunch. Proper home-cooked yumminess. After this, Aitch went off on her searches and G and I wandered the main street enjoying all the door furniture and info plaques as we walked, learning a little more about each other. We went to the Tollbooth, which houses the museum, small but delightfully formed - and manned by a most personable young fellow called David, whose accent intrigued me. I narrowed it down pretty closely, but not exactly - he hailed from Transylvania! 

Sanquhar, apart from it's amazing PO, is perhaps most famous for a very particular knitting style. There was a lovely quilt hanging in the museum that showed much of what Sanquhar is about, but the edging reflected all the different patterns of this style...

Down below...

We then returned to A' The Airts for an afternoon cuppa and to reconnect with Aitch, who'd been having her own fun. I admit that at this point, a headache had begun to make itself felt, but again, I upped fluids and put it down to the sudden onset of heat we'd experienced, as well as all the extra activity.

We said our farewell to Gwynneth, did a quick grocery shop, then back to Grey and around to the cemetery, this time in search of some headstones that might fit into Aitch's genealogical research... a couple of interesting stones, though not immediately obvious as being directly in her line. But a peaceful and beautiful place to visit, so we had a cuppa in Grey and watched a sheep in the paddock beside us go into lamb, (didn't see the result!), before heading off back to the caravan. 

By the time we were back, I could feel the full headache, and what I feared may be the onset of fever. During the night that proved to be the case - there were some wild half-dreams/delusions! - and I slept right through to Thursday lunchtime. I had not heard Aitch moving about or going out on her own to continue her cacheing. I tried to bring myself together, and with Ibuprofen and hot lime drinks, it did feel like I might improve quickly, but overnight I worsened again. Friday, we had to depart the caravan by 10 am, so despite being really quite groggy, I bid farewell and made my way on to Carnwath, where I knew I could easily hook up for another power charge. Whilst letting Grey do his thing, I could feel myself sliding down into a proper dwalm, and made the decision just to stay there the night... 

TBC on Thursday...


  1. Oh, dear, oh dear oh, what can the matter be?

  2. Good to see the oldest PO still in good condition.

  3. It was a good afternoon outing Sanquhar..the history and knitting are fascinating..but it was a tiring day

  4. Nothing worse than having to drive when feeling that rough. What a really bad time to get crook. OK there is never a good time but there are better places.

  5. so sorry to hear Covid kicked your butt and coninutes to hang around... this sounds nightmare material to me. I got a headache last night and a sore throat, woke up at 1 am with throat so bad I got up and got a lemon drop. took 1 asperin. feel ok now and am hoping it is not the start of what you have been through

  6. The quilt is just beautiful and post office - so impressive! I sure hope you're back to yourself soon.

  7. It interests me that you refer to The Grey as “him,” following on the established tradition of referring to cars (and ships for that matter) with feminine epithets, as in “Fill ‘er up.” I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that men only for so many years drove cars, and certainly it was men who commanded ships. Perhaps a woman owner subconsciously calls her vehicle a “he.” I could think of all kinds of Freudian allusions, but better I not go there!

    1. Hari OM
      Heheh - nope. All my previous vehicles have been 'she/her' ... but none were as brawny as a Transit Van; what is more, this colour grey is like that on elephant... and I nearly called him Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, but that may have been tempting fate. That though, made it a 'he/him' and thus The Grey is that! Yxx

    2. In a sense it has removed obstacles for you.

  8. Hello,
    I am sorry you were not well, it is not fun to be sick while traveling. I like the old post office, the quilt and the museum.
    I hope you are feeling better now, sending well wishes and healing prayers. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

  9. Please take care. All izz well.
    Thanks for the post and amazing pics.

  10. YAM thank you for the lovely photos and commentary on the onset of the horrid Covid during your visit with Aitch.
    I am so sorry it found you.
    The very frist Post Office, the quilt and the lovely stone work gave me the happies. I surely hope you are feeling better.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Phew.. what a day! Lovely photos and narration.

  12. Despite you not feeling well it sounds like you had a nice visit with GZ in that lovely town.

  13. How nice to meet another friend "in the furs"...and a wonderful tour of another quaint town. Hope you are "in the clear" now and feeling better!

  14. You poor thing! I don't know how you do it! XX

  15. Hi Yam - Sanquhar village - sounds a delight with lots of interesting history. While the visit seems to have gone to plan - the fever certainly didn't - I do hope by now things are easing. Cheers Hilary


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