What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly


  1. That is a good thing for all of us to request. We hope you are totally on the mend by now.

  2. I just prayed your prayer for you and for myself... Patience is sometimes hard to do.. I assume covid is doing the long covid thing. so sorry. hugs and lots of POTP coming your way .... hang on, prayers for healing

  3. Oh yes - that is such a hard one to learn. We hope you are feeling better♥

  4. I hope all is well, sending prayers! Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

  5. Patience is hard but so is the wisdom to distinguish between the things we cant3inflence and must be patient about, and the things we can change with soms concerted action. I hope your recovery, slow tho it may be, is always in one direction.

  6. Covid is a lesson in patience! Godspeed recovery!

  7. Oh yes I repeat that daily.
    I was definitely not present when the Patience DNA was granted.
    Hugs and healing thoughts

  8. We could all use a bit more patience.

  9. Patience is key it seems for us all in the 2000s ... hope you're feeling easier - cheers Hilary


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