What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

I want to take today to simply offer thanks for all the messages, public and otherwise, of support and Love received with regard to this recent infection of COVID that has knobbled me. 

Several voiced concerns about me being in a van while unwell, but I say here, as I did individually, that being unwell in Grey has been nurturing and, in many ways, better than being in the Hutch—mainly because everything is within reach (that was required). It is an ideal isolation capsule. What is more, I am able to sit where I can still enjoy the environment, fling open all the doors and generally gain healing from nature in a way that would not be possible from the flat. Something else to consider is this... I have been able, with masks and warnings, to interact with passers-by (and their dogs), and had I been in real need of assistance, I could have easily gained it. In the Hutch, I see no one from one end of the week to the other.

Although I returned to Dunoon for a recuperation period, I did not go to the Hutch except to run a laundry, shower, and collect mail. Disturbing symptoms are lingering and I continue to test positive. However, I will do a full "medical report" in due course for the record of the blog, which is my journal, with as much update on current research as I can find. I'm wearing masks again with no care for the looks folk give. 

Although still a tad groggy (and getting lots of extra kip), I had to get on the road again. I met up with Mac1 in Balfron yesterday, and am now isolating in part of the great forest around these parts for a few days. It may mean being offline for the duration too, so fret not if I seem AWOL.

As Gail pointed out to me, I have tested Grey through truly foul weather and now foul health, and he's coming up trumps! Do not doubt it, peeps—van life is for me!

Thank you, again, dear reader's, for all the good vibes. May you all keep healthy and free of the lurgy!


  1. It's good to read this cheerful post, and I hope the lurgy is soon history. You're definitely self sufficient!

  2. We don't like hearing about the disturbing lingering symptoms. Please be sure to check with a doctor if things are not improving soon. We will be sending you good vibes every day.

  3. Thanks for the update. I'm hoping those lingering symptoms don't linger for too long. It occurs to me that I haven't heard much about long Covid affecting people who have been infected with the more recent variants of the virus, but that might be because the focus has shifted away.
    Enjoy the forest.
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. Good strategy. Keep on healing x

  5. Yes, yes, breathe in all those clean fresh air! Speedy recovery and keep healthy! Hugs!

  6. I think you're doing everything just right, YAM. I hope you're 100% soon!

  7. I am so happy to hear you are doing so well while so sick.. you are right, you are a happy van dweller and that is what counts the most. we all tend to look through the lens of our own preference and fret when others do things we would not do.. my home body self was fretting about you being sick and now I know it is the best place for you to be. thanks for the update. I do know that nature has healing vibes and that seeing others is something I also love.

  8. Glad to hear that the van serves as home and clinic all at the same time! Keep on healing.

  9. Morning YAM
    A shower is my favorite part of the day....so I expect that probably felt very nice to washed from head to toe and get your laundry done.
    I had not thought about how everything is within an arms reach for you in The Grey. No movement required which was good when you had the bad headache. We send you all our healing vibes from the east coast of the USA to your lovely forest location in Scotland.
    I hope the lingering disturbing symptoms pass soon.
    Hugs Cecilia and Bryan

  10. Hi Yam - it sounds as though you're happy and frankly that's the main thing - in life, and as the way to heal ... which I sincerely hope happens soon - but equally go slow and heal fully - with thoughts - cheers Hilary

  11. Happy to read this cheerful post. Yes, life in the van gives a good amount isolation close to nature. I am sure you are giving yourself lots of rest. Get well soon!

  12. Your naturally positive spirit is a great advantage. Those lingering symptoms need to get up and go! Prayers and warm get well wishes continue for you.

  13. With you, dear Yam. You're gonna be bouncing sooner than you think.

  14. We're sorry to hear your symptoms and positive test continue and hope you feel better soon.

  15. So glad you are on the mend.


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