What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menonday Musical Moment

I mentioned in last Thursday's catchup post that I had recently spent some time with Mac1 in Edinburgh. Apart from spending time in her garden (and with some 'visitors'—keep watching for the nature posts!), the main impetus for the trip there was to attend the annual charity concert of the choir of which she is a member. St Margaret's Singers arose out of their school choir. I have been privileged to have occasionally sat in on their rehearsal sessions, and I know how hard they work for their beloved, long-term choirmaster, John Cranston. 

It was wonderful! I did manage one sneaky photo with Mac1 at the left (she is an alto - almost tenor!). The Reid Memorial is a fantastic building - my one and only issue was that it is so tall that it tended to swallow their sound a bit. I think that will not be so obvious in the recording due to microphones. 

I did wonder how I might let you hear the choir... but this has been resolved by the fact that it was recorded and is to become available to listen to HERE. It was a varied and exciting program. (The organ interludes would not normally be part of their repertoire; however, the Reid Memorial has only just become their new home due to Craigmillar, the long-time base, having been sold off to private developers... and it came with the resident organist there for whom it was felt some space needed to be made. You can be forgiven for skipping those bits! I have heard this work performed in the Sydney Opera House, believe it or not - and it was singularly better than this, sad to say.) 

At the time of posting this, a couple of weeks later, the recording is still not up on that link - however, others are, and you can explore the choir's repertoire through them - if, that is, you appreciate choral singing! I know it's not everyone's cuppa.


  1. I love choir songs. Will listen.

  2. wow wonderful... and it has something so special to be in suvch a place... it is as if the music climbs up an invisible ladder till it comes directly from sky...

  3. they are really talented. beautiful sounds for the soul. and I love what I can see of that church...

  4. Their voices are absolutely magnificent and so is the church and the stained glass windows! I will be back to listen a second time!

  5. The woman second from left appears to have been transported to another realm - the other members of the choir look very sombre, almost sad, or glum.

  6. Hello,
    The choir sounds lovely and I love those stained glass windows.
    Happy July! Have a great day and happy new week!

  7. OH goodness what beautiful stain glass windows. I spied sister Ann and I heard a wee bit of the concert.
    We are off on a day trip in a bit. I'll catch more of the lovely music later.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. The stained glass is gorgeous!

  9. What a stunning place to listen to such beautiful music. Lee and Phod

  10. They really dont do building like that anymore! Choirs are great - my wife sings in one.
    Cheers - Stewart M - Oban, Stewart Island, NZ

  11. We are just astounded by the beauty of the stained glass. We will listen to more of the choir later, but what we did hear was just beautiful. That takes a lot of practice and a good leader.


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