What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek


  1. Interesting photos, especially the crannog, the horses and the boat half sunken?

  2. I particularly like the first photo but that skillet of delicious looking food has my attention. Are those something like wedges of omelette among the vegetables?

    1. Hari Om
      Very close, Stephanie! It's the leftover potato and cheese fritata I'd made a couple of days before, reheated with sauté broccoli I and cherry tomatoes...😋Yxx

  3. ooh the poor little ship... we would love to give it a new life... although... if mark starts to use duckt tape I'm no longer sure about riding all seven seas...

  4. The poor sunken boat and dinner looks VERY yummy!

  5. Beautiful photos, the water scenes and birds are always a favorite. Pretty sky capture and your meal looks yummy!
    Take care, have a wonderful day!

  6. Amazing series of photos, Food looks yummy. Stay well. Greetings

  7. the photo of the sunken boat is sad and beautiful at the same time. wow on the cranog houses.. your dinner looks great.. enjoyed all the photos..

  8. The pond full of fowls was quite peaceful
    Your delicious meal made my mouth water
    The remainder of the post was eye candy and I thank you
    Hugs cecilia

  9. What are those horses head sculptures? You are definitely finding a lot of excellent camera fodder on your travels.

  10. Beautiful captures specially of the swans lording over ducks. Interesting to read about crannogs.

  11. Beautiful as usual. Like Stephanie I'm tempted too by that food.

  12. A wonderful Tuesday selection and OMD...I adore the picture of the Gray and the Kelpies during sunset!!!
    ...and yes, your dinner does look delicious! I would love the recipe for the potato and cheese frittata when you get a spare moment!

  13. That boat does need to TLC. Reminds me of a phase about boats being a hole surrounded by water, into which you pour money! Cheers - Stewart M, Stewart Island, NZ

  14. An interesting collection of pictures. Dinner sure looks tasty.

  15. The poor boat!
    You are finding all sorts of treasures! XX


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