What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds

House Martins are amazing wee birdies. Due to a significant decline in numbers in recent times, they are on the UK Red List.

Frankly, most of the 'sound' in these vids is my Uncle Andrew, who barely stops to draw breath. We were sitting in The Grey, having a cuppa and watching this nest above his kitchen window with great delight. The dominant chick waited until I put the phone down to make its move. Yes, it fledged before our eyes barely a minute after I stopped filming that second clip! Hey ho...


  1. Love the videos and ALL the sound effects!

  2. That was fun. Years ago we had barn swallows that nested outside the kitchen window every spring and summer. Usually four, occasionally five little ones. Such a delight to watch. A perfect view of them while washing dishes. Then the window had to be replaced and they stopped coming. Now we no longer even see barn swallows. Very sad. The martins are beautiful.

  3. Aerial insectivores the world over are in trouble, and I could go into the litany of reasons for their precarious state, but if we all look in the mirror the answer is there. It’s great to see one family succeeding and I wish the young well on their long migration to Africa. Many will not make it unfortunately.

  4. this was so sweet, both the birds and the chatting. Loved hearing the voices as much as the birds

  5. They are so cute and remind me of our barn swallows.

  6. Nice to hear your voice and Uncle Andrew's. I did hear the dear house martins squeak once.
    Years ago we had a very popular Easter Bluebird house the back lifted up so we could view the nest when the parents were away. We watched dad build a nest that mom approved. 4 eggs hatched...once Saturday morning we were amazed to watch as Mom sat on a tree limb near by. She called to the fledglings one at a time they peeped out. Bravely stepping on the edge make their first flight. It was A M A Z I N G
    Hugs cecilia

  7. They really are fun to watch! Thanks for sharing the videos!

  8. How precious to actually see one of the chicks fledge.

  9. We love seeing those beautiful birds and hearing your chatting with your uncle.

  10. What an amazing trip you have, time after time!

  11. Hello YAM,
    What fun videos, love the cute House Martins. It is nice to be able to watch the young one fledge. Sorry I am late visiting and commenting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.


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