What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

First Friday Filmclub

Filmmaker Lorena Colmenares hails from Venezuela... so one can understand a little more of what is going on in this short movie. The boy actor is marvellous, conveying angst and confusion most wonderfully. A fascinating - and somewhat disturbing - film. I hope you find it as compelling a watch as I have.

The Red Spiral (La Espiral Roja) from Lorena Colmenares on Vimeo.


  1. I'll return to this in the evening. The first part I watched is staying with me. Yes, it's gripping, I think.

  2. it says a lot... and compliments to all the kids who played so great... this looks they gave him, wow...

  3. The little boy seemed to happy to be giving the speech, he looked very scared. Take care, have a wonderful weekend!

  4. It’s disturbing indeed, yet in so many ways true to the world around us.

  5. since i am living angst and confusion will skip this one

  6. Here in the UK we don't hear enough from Venezuela. I became more aware of the political situation there when, in my last job, I had several Venezuelan colleagues, some of whom were dealing with elderly parents who had fled the country and descended on them for an indefinite period.

  7. Ohhh wish is had been there I love looking for shells and sea critters.
    This is new to me "sound of shingle". Is that a Scottish term for chatter
    Hugs and I missed you too


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