What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds

Two small clips from the rock pooling event at Macduff Aquarium. I was able to catch the sound of shingle as everyone turned their backs and made for the pools (I generally don't film people, particularly children, but this backside clip, I felt, was okay). Then, another short one with voices showing the joy and interest that this activity provided while I watched one of the great many Hermit Crabs of all sizes scurry about.


  1. I like the first ones perspective, something about them all walking the same way is very interesting.. and I could hear the sea birds and the happy people. I like it. cute little guy swimming about

  2. Love the sounds of the kids and the gulls!

  3. You have no idea the satisfaction it give me to see children involved like this, and kudos to the adults who accompanied them. They will get far more out of this than sunning on a crowded beach, riding donkeys and slurping down ice cream. Hooray for junior naturalists everywhere.

  4. This is my kind of fun, I love checking out the tidal pools. Have a great weekend!

  5. It looks and sounds like everyone was having lots of fun there.

  6. A wonderful experience! Rock pooling events are such a great way to connect with nature and observe marine life up close. It must have been a delight to capture the sounds and excitement of the participants as they explored the pools and discovered the hermit crabs. If you ever decide to share those clips, they’ll surely convey the fun and wonder of the event!


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.