What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoilonwatter; Antidoggal

I think we all need this antidote this week... for various reasons. In case you've not spotted it - or by some menosoupal happenstance I have neglected to contact you directly, be aware that tomorrow is Gail's Memorial Gathering. There is a streaming link available on Nobby's Blog if you think you can spend time watching. Now, sit back and breathe deeply with Olive and Mabel...


  1. I would love to run on a beach like that, but alas, my hips would be in major complaining mode if I did. I have to leave fitness on the beach to brisk walking...

  2. we love the perspective, that is great!!!

  3. Seeing things from a dog's perspective is always enlightening.

  4. I am pondering who is having more fun, the man or the dogs... someone did a super duper job of recording this.. I love walking on the beach and its been 70 years since I could run ha ha

  5. Olive and Mabel are sure enjoying their day!

  6. Canine joy with trained humans to facilitate it.

  7. Oh what fun, for the dogs and human. Loved the video, thanks for sharing. Take care, have a great day!

  8. OMDs what fun...I loved how they stayed as instructed but as soon as given permission they caught up
    I hope to successfully link up tomorrow. I'll be at my desk top about 7:30 am
    Thank you again and please thank Max

  9. I need one of those camera things to put on Fergus when he is 'running' through long grass and carrot flowers. He looks hilarious trying to bounce (he is too heavy) to make progress.

  10. Those two pups sure lead a charmed life. We wish we had a camera we could wear to show you around our yard and how we do zoomies through the shurbs.

  11. What an amazing video!!! Great runners, great listeners, and superb shaking)

  12. I always enjoy Olive and Mabel.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.