What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Floraleye 3

It's Nature Friday... and I am short on photographic supply. What I will do for January and February is keep it very simple. A single photo each week to keep Rosy (and Sunny) smiling and bring a little bit of summer into these deep winter days.

Don't forget next week is FFF time again!


  1. Fuchsias were one of my father's favourite flowers. I used to enjoy 'popping' the flower buds.

  2. The fuchsia is so colorful and beautiful!

  3. A lovely burst of red to start my day.

  4. I have only seen these flowers at Selby Gardens, a bout 10 miles from us. they have 20 foot tall bushes covered with these stunning beauties. I am surprised they grow in you climate. gorgeous

  5. Hello,
    The fuchsia is beautiful, one of my favorite plants. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  6. They are beautiful despite having a synthetic shine.

  7. YAM what a beautiful photo of Fuschia?! I think or possibly bleeding hearts.
    I just came from Gail's memorial...I had a glimpse of you greeting Nobby outside along with his new staff.
    It was a very lovely tribute to our very beloved friend Gail. I learned some new things too.
    Have a good weekend
    thank you again for the link

  8. These are gorgeous! Spring is coming!


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