What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menonday Art Vibe; Poochy Paintings 2

Last week, on PP1, I could stand two feet away from the artwork and photograph it full-faced. This week's offering, like the Niagara Falls one, was far too large to enable such a take; thus, we have the jaunty angle once again! If I'm honest, I think it favours the painting, for the full-frontal image on the NG website seems to me to be rather dark. Most of us do not have any wall in our homes that would fit this painting - that's how huge it is!

Here, we see the charm of dogs kept purely as pets. For a long time, this was only a habit for the very wealthy. To keep a dog purely for its companionship would seem foolhardy to most. Dogs were for hunting, shepherding, ratting, and so on. They had to earn their keep. 

Neither are dogs in paintings generally used as 'props' or dressing. This pooch is clearly loved; otherwise, it would not have been permitted to put paws on valuable clothes like that. The hand on the head is also gentle. Also, the companion piece of this lady's sister is notable for its absence of a dog - or any animal. This suggests it is the sitter's choice. This lady wanted her pet with her to be commemorated for posterity. Though I do hope the poor critter didn't have to stand on its hind legs for hours on end as the artist did his thing!

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