What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoliday; resting up.

Still in festive mode? I rather like Boxing Day, where there is usually a sense of tranquillity and lull as breath is taken and eyes turn toward year-end.

Meanwhile, let's think about recipes for using up what didn't get consumed yesterday... about the recycling of other stuff... about, perhaps, the need to 'cleanse' (if not from yesterday, then planning for next week...*cough*)... or simply take time to reflect/meditate and 'chew the cud'.

However you spend today, may it be to your betterment in mind-body-spirit.


  1. Happy Boxing Day to you... we love this tradition and we wish we had it too here... we have just a wednesday ;O)

  2. 'chew the cud' idiom Ponder over, meditate yep sometimes that is what we all need to do to quiet our interselves and be at peace.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  3. Oh YaYa you ARE so right!! Happy Boxing Day. YOu will never in 87 years guess what Bcat and I did today.
    Of course there were photos and it will appear on a blog near you in the New Year.
    Hugs HiC

  4. I always enjoy the week between Christmas Day and New Year's Day ad use it for both reflection on the past year and planning for the new!

    Hope you had a beautiful and blessed Christmas!

  5. I love the photo, really beautiful. here the day after Christmas is the day you do not want to go shopping or near a store, the return lines are long, traffic is killer, people are hitting the day after Christmas sales like on black Friday... a day for rest, relax and meditation sounds good for those who took part in the craziness of Christmas

  6. Happy Boxing Day to you!!!! We still have family visiting so no resting here yet for the hosts. A puppy and company is a hard combo to manage. I hope that your holiday was restful. I think that you are like me, participating in the holiday for the love of family and friends. I love the painting of the cow!

  7. I love the photo!
    We are always having fun, as, at least, I usually get a phone call from Jesse in YVR, and Caitlin, in Ottawa. This year is different! xx

  8. After all the cooking to take places, gift wrapping, packing and running everywhere I am doing laundry, unpacking of gifts received and cleaning floors. By nightfall I will be ready to just plop on the backside. In truth nothing is quite as satisfying as getting physical things back in order. As a person that has a touch of ocd I find that to help organize my soul as well. Cleaning is so automatic I spend time reflecting while doing the mundane chores. My your day be filled with rest and relaxation. namaste, janice xx

  9. Hi Yam - making sure we use everything and buy sensibly ... so we waste not, and thus want not ... now we settle down to look after ourselves and those around us, whom we don't see so often. Have a happy restful lead up - and yes enjoy making new dishes with all the delicious left overs ... cheers and here's to a happy New Year - Hilary

  10. What a wonderful photo! Hurray for recycling and cleansing, too.
    Stephanie in Northern California


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