What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; The Passion

I wrote this piece last Easter and have kept it to myself. I was thinking I could improve on it.

I couldn't. It's a funny thing that the inspiration which comes from my 'core self' rarely requires more than a typo tweak.


  1. it is perfect, no tweaking or improvement needed. these words say it all

  2. YaYa my goodness me...WOW you have rendered me nearly speechless.
    You got it right last Easter but I surely understand about waiting.
    Things as powerful have to be nurtured a bit.
    Hugs HiC

  3. that is beautiful... little by little till we have a world full of love

  4. That is deeply touching. It can't be improved. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Really nice rhythm in this, Yamini, and I particularly like the repetition - almost like a chant.

  6. beautiful view of Christ. namaste, janice xx


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.