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Do you see the 'dreamcat'? If you click on the image into viewer mode and then shrink a little, it becomes clearer! |
A deep sigh as this post is prepared. A week has passed with little productive done. The sleep pattern has gone completely haywire and though starting with one thought, one is in an entirely different region half an hour later. Usually standing in a doorway halfway to doing something else. That is why yesterdays post held a deep reminder!
We all get them, such spells of displaced thinking. Not fretfulness, as such, just totally unhinged thinking. Thinking is even a misnomer, for that suggests some level of willing control on the flow of the mind. The randomness, the jelly-like quality of the moments referred to here are a surrender to influences that have been implanted along life's experience. The same sort of thing in the waking state as happens in the dream state. In purely functional, everyday practice, we know about day-dreaming. As children, we are encouraged out of following such thoughts. We are told to focus. On our schoolwork, homework, whatever game we are playing at the time, in our eating and social interactions. "Pay attention!"
It is true we don't want to go off on such flights of fantasy that we lose all sense of proportion and practicality in life. There is, however, a useful respite from the rigours of that life by permitting an amount of casual flow of consciousness. Indeed, it can be as restful as any holiday and is certainly the place to find any spark of inspiration for creativity at all levels. [It was while standing in the kitchen, quite literally turning in circles the other day, that this writer's mind took her to all sorts of redesign modes. Then the practicality of life hit in again and the result was the shifting of items around within what was currently available and a kitchen which is starting to shape up towards that which was imagined...] Having the discipline to bring our thoughts back under our control and utilisation is key to moving along in life.
It is interesting to note that it is something of the same quality of surrender to the mind which is actually needed for meditation. Trusting that we can suspend the world around us for a period of time. The difference between random consciousness and focused consciousness, though, is the end goal. The first has no goal... we allow ourselves to be taken. With the second, we know our destination but must negotiate the route through all those random scenes!
Both provide respite for the mind. The first is that only - simply a holiday. The second can provide it with greater impetus in life and have a deeper, longer-lasting effect. The first is reflective of the 'jumblement' of life; the second has the potential of 'unjumblement'!
It was after the revelation of Yeshu/Rama that meditation became more than just a sitting and thinking thing for me. Glimpses of greater possibilities began to drift through. Artwork began to take on a different dimension. The heart felt integrated with the mind. Then, like a bud ready to flower, along came the invitation to attend Chinmaya Mission...
(You will note I have been getting distracted having fun with photo editing! Read a bit more about this later in the week.)
We all need a break, and little day dreaming can be usefully.
ReplyDeleteCoffee is on and stay safe
if we can make our own holiday that way then it is the thing we all need right now.... urgently...
ReplyDeleteI recall reading an interview with an artist (I'm hopeless with celbrity names so don't recall hers) in which she described her creative process. It was along the lines of self-imposed boredom for as long as it took for her mind to 'make its own entertainment'. Without going to her extremes other artists have sometimes commented that out of 'boredom' came some of their most radical work. 'Boredom' could just be a stripping away of reliable touchstones, life changes so immense there is need to take stock. However before the conscious ordering of thoughts and plans there is (for me anyway) the feverish dream state, usually at night when I think I'm asleep and instead of orderly dreams that make sense as stories (well kind of - i like story dreams so I make them that way), the images and sounds are like someone shaking a filing box of photos and playing random speech clips into the maelstrom of a whirling fan. Once I recognize this is going on it is the trigger for some orderly wide-awake assessment of what it is that set this off, and how I am going to grow from it. I assume from all your writing that you have the tools. You will rummage in that box when you are ready - in the meantime we are following your creativity and enjoying. xxx F and Mr T
ReplyDeleteAunty one thing I have learned since March 2020 is that the minutes, hours, days, weeks and months run together.
ReplyDeleteWe have been living Ground Hog day for almost a year. We used to have a routine involving certain days certain chores/tasks/activities. Some days I forget what day of the week. For instances since retirement I have been changing linens every Thursday cleaning the loos every Friday. The week of Christmas thru January 7, I decided I changed my routine to avoid doing those chores on Thursday and Friday. Thursdays and Fridays were holidays so wanted to avoid chores on holidays. Bryan noticed I was doing chores on different days. He carefully said you do know what day of the week it is right? He was happy when he learned I did in fact know the day of the week.
Hugs Cecilia
Displaced thinking? Disrupted sleep patterns?...I can totally relate. But going with the flow wherever it takes you can be rewarding too, in terms of the creative process. Stay well.
ReplyDeleteI have been totally distracted, your word of jumblement is perfect for how I feel... i go from one project to another to another and none of them are completed, i make list of how to unjumble and forget the list or decide not to do it. i am in sad need of a way to reach unjumblement... i did get a little of my mojo back, about 60 percent i think...
ReplyDeleteMy world of jumblement seems just the opposite of yours. Mine is neither purposeful OR on purpose. I put frankencince EO on the soles of my feet, and it helps me be more clear headed. However, my good time of jumbled going with the flow is when I first wake up in the morning, fresh from dreams and letting my mind go where it will. I get much inspiration for my day during that "between" time.
ReplyDeleteI have plenty of ideas, the thinking is mostly clear, but the motivation (and or energy) is gone, leading to my jumblement. I have been thinking and realize I have been pushing myself, beyond my limits, doing things I did not wish to do, but needed to be done-for a long, long time. This current hiatus where my mind drifts, like a brook, coming down from the mountains, swirling and bubbling, sometimes in deep pools and sometimes spread out and bouncing along rocks...It is because it is tired too and is slowly pulling itself into a new form,/direction. I wonder when I will once again have motivation, but I know this is a necessary process. Perhaps in the spring! Thanks for sharing, and sending you virtual hugs.
ReplyDeleteJumblement? So THAT'S what's wrong:)
ReplyDeleteOr maybe the photo editing is a new muse speaking to your many talents. namaste, janice xx