What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoAZinkulling: D

This month here at the Wild YAMster's bloggy, you are going to be regaled with words related to feelings and happenings of the last twelve months. Oh yes, you know of what I talk.  This is to be the ALPHABET OF AAARRGFIZZZ... We've all had to deal with it. This will be a reflection purely from my point of view. You don't necessarily have to agree with what I say, just appreciate where it's coming from. Normal service will resume on May Day. (By which time I may be yelling that down the ether phone loud and repetitively!)
Disease - that's a fair enough word to begin this letter off, heh na? A big debate has been whether or not there is any kind of immunity built up if one has been infected by COVID. Having had a pretty nasty dose of it (mentioned in A post), whether or not I had antibodies from it was not something that Dominated my thoughts. Just how to get more over it. However, given that it is unclear what the long-term benefit of all these jabs is actually going to be, knowing what natural immunity comes from infection would be useful. At first, it looked like next to none. But that was based upon very short acquaintance with the lurgy in question. In recent research, it is now looking like one may have strong antibodies for as long as seven months - and projections are now that it could be as long as a year or even more... which is pretty much true of just about every virus. The kicker here is that natural immunity may still be better than the injected kind. (We Will discuss this more in a later post...and before anyone gets all antsy or previous, I am not an anti-v... just research-focused, medically-minded and empirically-inclined.) 

One of the side-effects of Coviditionitis, I have found, is that it has been Determined to make me feel Dumb and Dowdy. (I suspect I am not alone in this.) Really, for one with the educational level I have, it was extremely Disconcerting to find some days I could hardly string a sentence together. Some of this could have been down to the 24/7 care needs of Dad. This incorporated sleep Deprivation as a key component. Some of it might be down to the CFS I thought had reactivated. A good bit of it, though, was surely due to never going outside the front door for anything more than depositing rubbish in bins, picking flowers from the garden or receiving items on Delivery.

Oh yes, those deliveries! Didn't we all realise how essential such a service had become? Did we not all, to some extent, become Dependent on those delivery services? In the same way, we tuned into video calling and all other methods of Discourse beyond our four walls through the wonder of technology. If ever there was a point at which it became abundantly clear that the internet is now an 'essential utility,' no longer a luxury, it was during this time.

Meanwhile, up in the big hoose doon sooth, a certain performer known as A Bunny D Paffle Jiltson, recently announced a gigaplan for ensuring such utility. But wait, wasn't it admitted shortly before that, such a plan was unlikely to be achievable? Oh yes. That's right, the fellow who can say two things at the same time with opposite meanings and lots of shades between...

It is notable that the most recent announcement from doon there is - yet again, remarkably similar to what has already been achieved up here in the Bonny Land. We are 95% covered for speedier connections and further improvements coming. Our voucher scheme has been going for over a year. 

It has not gone unnoticed that doon sooth have constantly backtracked their own reckless attempts at managing the pandemic - and ended up doing what oor wee Nicola already did. Jus' sayin'.

See you tomorrow for the ongoing saga. Please be aware that there is more I amAZing over at 


  1. I have been very fortunate that I was living in Vietnam when all this insanity started. Vietnam is one of the countries being applauded for how well it was handled. As of this morning, there have been 2,631 cases and only 35 deaths. The government wasn't always popular for the measures they chose to take to keep everyone safe, but what they did worked. Life here really didn't change that much AND we border China. I love Vietnam.

    Visiting from A to Z
    Blogging at Transformed Nonconformist

  2. Checking in. I intend to miss little.

  3. You have strung a number of words with D. These are hard times, we aren't out of it yet. After many here thought that the worst was over -- India's numbers were steadily coming down since September -- it's on the ascend again. The 2nd wave. Worst than the first. Yesterday, we crossed the 100,000 cases a day, for the first time. The deaths aren't too many.

    1. Hari OM
      Yes, I had noted that lockdown has returned for you. I do not doubt that the vacc program will minimise deaths from COVID... but I do think this is still all so new for us that we cannot afford to be complacent. (More on that in my V post!) Stay safe my dear blogpal!!! Yxx

  4. The one restriction that I have consistently failed to obey is the 'stay at home' rule. Bertie is the excuse, but even without a dog I know that my compulsion to go out for frequent socially distanced walks (and bike rides) would still be there, and satisfying this compulsion is what has kept me sane over the past year.
    Cheers, Gail.
    PS Bertie's park walk this morning was accompanied by snow flurries and a face-numbing Arctic blast.

  5. we agree with lots of that d-words... we feel dumb too... not even a clue what day we have... lockdown will bring us down somehow...

  6. all of this is so very true, agree 100 percent with your post today. also i too believe we are now into a world that it would be hard to live normal lives without the internet. of course electricity is more important becuase if that goes the world goes down. it powers everything we do.

    1. Hari OM
      Ah yes, electricity... something close to my heart and understanding due the father we had... and of course continuation Depends so, learning to source our Delivery and Distribution of power very Differently from how it is just now... Yxx

  7. Determination has become our buzz word. In spite of all the mess and chaos and disease we Decided to Dive Down Deep into our inner Desire to keep our Daily walks and thankfully we Did
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. ...and Defiance, if that means 'not giving in'.

  9. I feel exactly the same way that you do about the vaccine.

  10. Covid is a very mysterious disease. It seems to affect individuals in different ways. We are glad we have been vaccinated given our age, and that all of our adult children will have at least the first dose by next week. As for the grands, there is a divided opinion among the parents. Some want them done right away, others have concerns not about the immediate safety but more the long term effects. So we shall see. . .

  11. I'm coming to you from the A to Z blogroll. Covid has been quite a game changer. There is a relief in getting the vaccine. But I am still wearing a mask and hopefully will avoid any variant that needs a vaccine booster in the future. I can live without getting the disease for resistance sake. I've had a few acquaintances to die from Covid. I don't want to join their number prematurely.

    The problem in the States is that too many people assume a logic has to be truth. I'm a retired science teacher and there is much more to needed to prove the crazy theories running amuck. Be well.

    1. Hari OM
      I do hope you mean to DISPROVE the crazy theories.... and research (such as linked above) based on clinical analysis and proper science used to prove what does work. As logic is defined as a proper or reasonable way of thinking about something, then it can be assumed that logic will lead us as close to truth as truth can ever be manifest in this life. I would therefore take logic over manic 'tinfoil hat theories', for sure. As one with degrees in IT, medicine and philosophy, I like to explore all angles on a problem. You will also, if you care to read again, see that I in no way suggest not to take the vaccine. I merely moot - as you do - that there is a long way to go before even actual science can properly address coronovirus - and debunk all the mythmakers.

      Congrats on having been vacc'd (I presume you mean both jabs) and I commend your caution in keeping up mask wearing and social distancing and hand and surface cleansing (I am assuming all these to be the case). Thanks for taking the time to visit. YAM xx

  12. This disease has been a bit of a disaster!

    1. Hari OM
      ... the handling of the disease has been. The virus is just a virus. A nasty one, no doubt about it (I know from direct experience!). However, it is society's inability to properly adapt to what is required to prevent spread that is the telling matter, I feel. Vacc is going to help minimise deaths/hospitalisation, but the disease will still be around and we need to be alert to this. I'm staying put, despite the 'loosenings' because it will only be a matter of time before we are being told the third wave has arrived here... or perhaps a symptom of Coviditionitis is cynicism! Yxx

  13. At least you are not subjected to Daily Discourse from the federal government (Mr Trudeau speaks almost every day)and the provincial government (Dr Bonny Henry and the guy who is charge of provincial health do too). There is great disconnection between the 2 levels, and where people are actually at. To further confuse things, the province has a number of health regions, who all follow their perception of the 2 higher levels of government. The different premiers have different views, want different things and while like small children that some other government has it better than theirs. I am amazed that 15% of the Canadian population has received at least 1 dose! Thanks for letting me rant! Barb

    1. Hari Om
      .... errrr..... actually, we do. That's one of the things I've been trying to convey. Here in Scotland (and Wales and NI) we have 'devolved' government. Not state as in Australia or Canada, but something similar and yet also a bit more. And is one of the reasons that Scotland is looking more and more to independence from W/minster due to the disparity of understanding of what this country needs compared to what the SE of England wants (and please note, the northern regions of England are also starting to resent London-centric governance)... and it goes beyond COVID.

      Nicola gave thrice weekly updates, no nonsense and clear reports of the situation and good q and a to press, without a break until the recent disolving for election campaign. ABdPJ did his utmost for a lot of the year to NOT speak (or his advisors prevented him - because of his faux pas), getting various ministers to talk instead. Then the UK gov decided NOT to speak for quite a long time. They restarted this year and Boris heading most of them to try and compete with how well Nicola was doing. It is all a great mess, that cannot be denied, and no government is going to come out of it looking particularly good... Yxx

  14. I was just having a discussion with friends (safely online) today about how much there is still to discover about this disease and it's long-term impact. No just the physical aspects, but the impact on everything. We kept coming up with more and more questions about what things will look like when there's more distance.

  15. Really, we've learned (and still learning) to do things differently during this pandemic.
    I had made just one videocall in all my life before the pandemic. Now it's like second nature.

    I wonder what world will it be after this. But i don't expect to go back to what it was.

    The Old Shelter - The Great War

  16. A part of me hates that I've given Amazon so much business, but deliveries have been essential during this time. I'm so sorry you've suffered through the ill effects.

  17. Another wonderful and relevant post...I have always admired your use of vocabulary and I am really enjoying the way you are weaving it into your A to Z here this year!!!

  18. I think my D would be Drivel. The amount of drivel heard on the television regarding this whole pandemic is just staggering. We stopped watching after only a short time and still heard it everywhere. Drivel!


  19. I must agree with Mara. I might add delirious dicktators. Pardon my language. namaste, janice xx


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