What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoAZinkulling: E

This month here at the Wild YAMster's bloggy, you are going to be regaled with words related to feelings and happenings of the last twelve months. Oh yes, you know of what I talk.  This is to be the ALPHABET OF AAARRGFIZZZ... We've all had to deal with it. This will be a reflection purely from my point of view. You don't necessarily have to agree with what I say; just appreciate where it's coming from. Normal service will resume on May Day. (By which time I may be yelling that down the ether phone loud and repetitively!)
If there is one word that might Encompass all that has occurred, it must be "Eventful"!!! It's an all-purpose word for all sorts of shenanigans, good and bad, at the close personal and the wider societal levels.

Personally, the year has been marked by Energy, or rather, the lack of it. My batteries have definitely not been recharging as they ought. Given that I have been back in the Hutch for four months now with no one but myself to care for, you'd think I'd be revving. Nope. It has to be acknowledged that this may, in part, be due to winter Ennui... ah there's a good e-word! I would hasten to point out that boredom is NOT a word in the YAMster's vocabulary - however, weariness and low mood can at times enter her aura.

As we have all marked a year of this pandemic, and as it dawns that - even with the magic of medicine - restrictions are likely to be Extended, ennui is afflicting the entire population. It is giving rise to the agitations and anger mentioned in the A letter. As governments attempt to contain things, folk are desperate to Escape...

One of the great conundrums that folk faced was the situation around Exercise. There were so many vague notions about what was allowed and what wasn't, certainly in the first few weeks of lockdown. Eventually, it settled, and routines were sorted around using the allotted one-hour close-to-home ruling. Many people who had perhaps not been so assiduous regarding their physical activity prior to the pandemic, used the ruling to get outside the four walls, so it served as a bit of a circuit-breaker, mentally. There was an uncanny upswing in the obtaining of dogs... and there is now, of course, the concern that those who bought dogs just to have an excuse to get out and about may now be thinking of divesting themselves of those pets. Shelters everywhere are preparing for an onslaught of canine Evacuees! It is my fervent hope that this does not happen - or at least not in the numbers suggested.

I suppose it is true that every year could be said to be 'eventful'. After all, life itself could be described as a span of time marked by a flow of events. However, some years are definitely more ... Energetic than others when it comes to such things. We will none of us be able to think of 2020 as the year of clarity. It will only be from a distance that any sense at all might be made of it - and then again...

Clarity definitely did not Emanate from the Big Hall of Burghers doon sooth. In fact, the word that comes to mind now is Entropy. Ever-increasing levels of confusion, conflicting instructions and statements then denials arose from the one who would be called Primo Munster. 

Premier Eedjit** more like. All he could do was look north and Emulate the lead given by oor wee Nicola... whatever she did, he was sure to do a couple of weeks later.

If there is one Epithet that could never, ever, be applied to the performer known as A Bogus dot Pratter Junkson, it would be Empathetic.

** Scots for an idiot.
See you tomorrow for the ongoing saga. Please be aware that there is more I amAZing over at 


  1. Eventful is a very good word for the past year plus. Too many events that we would like to forget for sure. You had a very exhausting year so we are not at all surprised at how long it is taking to get re-energized. Take that time to relax and regenerate.

  2. Yes, eventful. I am Exhausted from all of the Events. I cannot even let myself think about people getting rid of those pets.

  3. How many E words you have used, dear Yam. Well, good practice for other joyless letters.

  4. we hope for the shelters too.... too much errors at that front happened during the last time ;o(

  5. Given that so many people bought dogs and/or bicycles over the past year, Gail thinks she was ahead of the curve when on 22 March 2020 she proclaimed her 'social distancing survival kit'!

  6. our shelters are maxed out and getting worse and it breaks my heart and the people who adopt/buy and dump are fitting of the word Eedjit... down south we say that same word for idiot. we say IG not EE

  7. Well done, I have hope eventually we'll get out of this, but I just don't know.
    Our eejit premier won't shut things down properly. He's hanging on to vaccines and hoarding them. Our ICUs are full. sigh.

  8. Exhausted and emotional. My second shot of the Pfizer vaccine is this coming Sunday. While it's a relief to be fully vaccinated, it's essential that ALL countries have enough vaccine to immunize their citizens. xxx

  9. Hi Yam - I can certainly empathise with what you've been through ... but you'll have happy (positive) memories that will 'e' for 'eventually' override the trials and tribulations and exhaustion you've been through ... other aspects - it'd be lovely if we can see the end of this - take care and enjoy the rest of the A -Z ... all the best - Hilary

  10. Oh me oh my I hope and pray the Eedjits who rushed to get K9 companions come to understand a pet is furever not for right now.
    Hugs HiC

  11. Your bounty of E words is Enviable. I appreciate your comment about feeling like your batteries aren't recharging as they once did. That feels so true, and you've found a perfect way to describe it.

  12. So glad I found your blog! Enjoyed reading your take on the last 12 months so far. I'm looking forward to the Scottish elections in May and hoping they send that Eejit Boris a resounding message from the North! :-)

  13. We too had our own Eedjit in Chief until a few months ago (thank Dogness he's gone!). It's amazing how much better organized a sane inhabitant at the top of the heap can manage what needs to be done. Unfortunately we're behind in responses where certain right leaning governors never restricted anything their people did or have recently opened things up so that the opening day of baseball in Texas will likely turn into another super spreader event. It's all very Exhausting.!

  14. Excellent and Exciting! And I love Eedjit in chief!

  15. Eventful. Not the word I would have used for this past year. Uneventful maybe. Strange that.


  16. Eventful is quite an understatement while referring to what we have been going through over the last more than a year.
    Even I do feel low, but never bored! There is always something to do.


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