What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

A series of sky shots from last week - first the 1030pm, still shining, clouds - (and there were seagulls still soaring at 11pm - craziness!). Then a number of attempts at the moon. First, a group taken directly out the main lounge window with lots of clouds around creating 'atmosphere.' Then the last two of which, it was sitting very low in the sky over Wymess Bay. These are from the Hisstix. (I have a couple in Fudge, but they can come another time.)

...yes it was kind of yellow!


  1. The great thing about skies in Scotland is that they rarely stay the same for long!
    I love especially the late evening cloud shots.

  2. The cloud shots are absolutely stunning!

  3. they are all great, i love the one just above the yellow moon. the side angle is what draws me in and the spooky lighting. would make a great mystery book cover

  4. YAM silly me knew you were pretty far north but had not thought about how light your sky is late at night. Gorgeous skies in Scotland. May 2005, when we were in Alaska, I saw the sun setting at midnight. Amazing
    Hugs HiC

  5. Looks like you might have been doing a bit of howling at the moon YAM-aunty. We like you first picture. Furrings and purrings Mr T

  6. What beautiful sunset and moon pictures you got.

  7. That second cloud picture looks as if the blue sky color has been drawn down into the pink. Stunning. A little ruffled.

  8. Absolutely LOVE the photos! I've not been able to stay awake elate enough to even get out my telescope much less see the night sky...thanks goodness the days are getting shorter!

  9. Gosh, the colours are amazing!
    Well done on the moon. We've too many bugs for me to go out at night!

  10. Those are some real beauties! namaste, janice xx


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