What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly


Lord, grant me patience...


  1. Oh dear - presented with some new challenge (or two)?

  2. Oh dear, I hope this thought was not prompted by hosting two visitors in rapid succession over the past week...
    (Three, says Bertie!)

    1. Or are we thinking about Royal Mail parcel deliveries?

    2. Hari Om
      LOL - well partly - but there was already a case of disgust due to a sudden blackout on the new unit; tomorrow's post reveals some of the experience and there will be a follow-up post as I acquaint myself with the quirks and vagaries... Yxx

  3. Hi Yam - at times we need to stop and take stock, and then realise patience is the only way ... xoxo
    PS - hope not too frustrating?!

  4. BOL to Bertie's comment. That has become the case here with the USPS. Several years ago after it took Bryan's April bday card 13 days to arrive (BTW it was mailed 2 blocks from home), I signed up years ago for an "informed delivery email" notice from USPS. It is 'supposed' to send me info on what is coming in that day's mail. What I can verify is that it can come anywhere from the day predicted or 5 days. I only mail a few bills now ( most are eith drafted). I always write down the date any bill was mailed and from what mail box.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We can all use more patience in our lives.

  6. I'd do better with some patience too.

  7. And the way is is granted is by having to learn as our patience is tried again and again. IMHO. namaste, janice xx


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