What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoAZering; C = Connections

For April, I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z, and you will find original images created by me and some ramblings to go with them. I will capitalise words that begin with the featured letter (on first use only). Let me know what you think of the pics, words, or both in the comments! For more of this madness, you can visit Blogchatter.

Everything, absolutely everything, is CONNECTED. Intellectually we all know this. For some, this applies only in the microcosm of their immediate lives; kneebone - anklebone - toebone stuff. Family and friends. Workmates. The daily COMMUTE might involve some skill to marry buses with trains, and so on.

Some are COGNIZANT of the connectedness of everything we refer to as 'nature' to ourselves. That we are, in fact, a part of that very nature. CLIMATE is a part of nature, and some accept the connection we have to its CONDITION, and others do not. Sure, the earth's climate has been CYCLICAL, and there have been many other big CHANGES to our environment over the aeons... but that is not the issue. The issue is how much faster and potentially devastating are the CURRENT changes due to our CONTRIBUTION as an industrial species. CAN we make a difference by altering our habits? The way nature responded when the world fell silent during the early COVID lockdowns is as big an answer to that question as anything. Not only did all other species seem to thrive, but the air CLEARED. We were breathing CLEANLY.

These days, just about everyone is also connected to the wider world via the magic of the internet. Modern COMMUNICATIONS systems have broadened our horizons (if not always our minds...) So reliant have we become upon such connectedness, it is now recognised that having access to the internet is as vital to society as the electricity that powers it. 

Ah, the power... how we source our energy needs has recently become a huge issue - not for the effects upon the climate, sad to say, but because our dependence on gas and oil has come under threat from CONFLICT. One would have hoped that the immediate response to such conditions might have been a significant turn toward alternatives best suited to each of our environs. Wind, sun, and water all offer brilliant sources of power generation but so many excuses and hurdles are placed in their way. But no, politicians dashed around the world to 'strengthen bonds' with other COUNTRIES which produce oil and gas. Countries, it must be said, equally as likely to fall into conflict themselves. 

We CRAVE connection, heat, cooling, transportation, global products... but at what COST? We are bound by our own dependence - we are addicted and withdrawal... unthinkable.

Today's image was CREATED from a photo of electrical pylons. My father spent his whole working life as an electrical engineer working on the building of such things. To him, bringing 'light' to the dark places in Scotland and the wider UK, Nigeria, South Africa, Australia, was a vocation. He believed everyone has the right to be connected. 


  1. Some time and actual being connect can be good.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. đź‘Ť
    Connections. They are what hold the cosmos together. If only all of us realized that!

  3. Chained to crude carries converging consequences. namaste, janice xx

  4. I'll admit that this Cycling nut at first glance saw in today's image spokes and a wheel and thought "bicycle"! Safer Cycling facilities in cities in the UK (combined with improved public transport) would also play a part in Connecting us all in a more sustainable way.
    Cheers, Gail.

  5. we love the thought of your father... and we totally agree.. to be connected is a super important thing...

  6. Wow!!to the art and the words that followed. Your post read like a diary entry of the 'world' encapsulating the last 2 decades.
    "systems have broadened our horizons (if not always our minds...)" this made me nod my head in disappointment--only if!!

    I wish your art could be hung in a gallery--maybe it will--one day.

  7. Chains are definitely connectors, but also symbols of restraint. However, like the other self professed cycling nut who commented, someone in my household saw bike wheels. We had to go back for another viewing once you mentioned the pylons. Pylons. Now there is something that, like wind turbines, divides aesthetic opinions. xxx Mr T

  8. That's a great word, Yamini. The world is so interconnected, in ways that one couldn't imagine earlier.
    Day 3 - Cats

  9. Art comes in all shapes and forms these days, each of your images so far has given us much to think about. Like Arti (above) I was curious about whether you would ever show.

    And on a lighter note I saw paper clips…large and small…joined together in long flowing chains. They connect with each other as well as well as holding other things together

  10. Love this. And yes, everything IS connected!

  11. YAM what a clever C for A-Z challenge and well done on the art...in my mind's eye that is what the WWW resembles
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. today art printed on a large canvas is one I would hang on my wall and enjoy. I LOVE IT!!! and it does say connection without words. I do believe every single thing is connected in some way and agree with every word your wrote today.. Lets hope there are others like your dad still living and still trying to light every part of the world

  13. The picture is an apt representation of the commentary! Love it!

  14. JB's dad worked as a lineman, too!

  15. Love today's image and it's important to be and stay connected.

  16. Large parts of Africa are not yet connected to the internet - only twenty something percentage have access I believe. Not sure how we are going to remedy this inequality. Great choice for C, btw!

  17. I love contemplating how everything is connected, and your post (along with your art) was a treat.

  18. Your post made so much sense. And it made me think again of an important question for me. How connected do I want to be?To the oneness of all things, yes, of course. To endless numbers of strangers on social media, no. And, yes, great choice for C.

  19. Connections certainly are complicated.
    Also interesting about Covid is how innovative we became to make sure we stayed connected.
    Thank you for always reaching out to me and keeping our connection intact.
    Thank you for sharing the interesting tidbit about your Father.

  20. Beautiful and thought provoking post today...


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