What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menopuzzling Monday

Won't you join me for a cuppa? This jigsaw has 99 pieces and a little more same-to-same in colour toning. Take your time. No rush. Put the kettle on...


  1. That kept her out of trouble for a little while. Furrings and purrings Mr T

  2. It looks like I might be attempting my first ever online jigsaw puzzle (and in fact my first jigsaw puzzle in any form for about 4 decades) later today, as it turns out I picked up the Covid virus when down in the Borders last week and so am lying low for a few days. Had to happen sooner or later I guess...
    Cheers! Gail.

    1. so sorry to hear this Gail, POTP coming your way

  3. with a big big big cup of coffee LOL

  4. Tea and cake as well as a view……lovely way to spend 20 mins 😊

  5. I have edges sorted. We have an errand to run I'll be back
    Hugs Cecilia


    1. Time 30:49 although I was gone for sometime after I got the edges done. EVery second counts
      Hugs HiC

  6. Ok this one took 15 minutes to frame it, giving up now but tht is 10 minues playing was the best i have done before

  7. I haven't even tried, but wanted to let you know I visited your blog. I've been a bit absent from my blgger friends, I will do better.

  8. So just under 32 minutes but I'll admit I found the experience of doing a jigsaw on the screen (on my MacBook, not using a mouse) rather irritating as I kept inadvertently moving things around! Cheers, Gail (not yet a convert!)

    1. Hari OM
      Well done! Hmm, I wonder if using the finger makes a difference. I've never tried that, always favouring the mouse. I know that holding and dragging enable moving multiple pieces to clear space. Perhaps with the finger, this occurs by accident? Not sure... it does take practice - I do hope there was enough with this to give another a go at a later time! Yxx

  9. Definitely worth the time, I really like the layout of the the food, and the view!

  10. That looks yummy. namaste, janice xx


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