What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

First Friday Filmclub

The majority of the history clips provided you this year have been about specific events or wider political situations. In this one, we are looking at more of a biographical presentation. Sabaton has done several biographies. I did share the Audie Murphy one with you - but this one caught my imagination as the soldier in question was clearly "Born A Soldier" (that links to the book Joakim shows in the first ep). Many become soldiers due to conflict arising, there is little choice for them. Very few take to it naturally. Törni, however, seems to have been a natural on-the-ground strategician and able to lead others in difficult situations. You may think you have never heard of this fellow - perhaps not directly. But if you ever read the book, or more likely watched the film The Green Berets, the lead character (played by John Wayne in the movie) is based directly on the man the Americans called Larry Thorne.


  1. Hi Yam - this does look an informative film on the Vietnam War and being a soldier ... I've never come across the book, nor the film ... thanks for the introduction - cheers Hilary

  2. my brother was in the hell they called Vietnam War, at only age 18. he still suffers from it

  3. I really am not a fan of war or war movies, I realize men and women sign up to protect their countries and are heroes, willing to give their lives. Wars are a waste of lives and money. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  4. Eileen above is just what I'd say on war and war movies.

  5. Bryan's Uncle was a POW in WWII....when he came home he went on to earn a PhD in Chemistry teaching at Elon University. HE NEVER EVER would speak of those times til after he retired...share some info with one nephew.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. An interesting trilogy about someone I've never heard of. Thanks for sharing the story with us.


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