What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorgitek: A Final Friday Feature

Is anyone else finding Blogger eating part of their page... my sidebar is not showing, even though it is there in the layout... disappeared yesterday... (though, stupidly, it displays when in preview mode)... sigh......... and there it was back again, mid-arvo same day....double sigh...

A tech talk for FFF? Yes, and you can blame Sandra, the MadSnapper, for this one! I have always edited my photographs on my laptop. Since getting the Gopika (Pixel7) earlier this year, I have retained that habit but had, only in recent weeks, taken to making minor edits (such as exposure or cropping) directly in the phone before then downloading via Google Photos. Clearly, the phone model one has makes a difference as to whether you use this or, as in Sandra's case, "gallery" - you will all have your equivalent of this. You are therefore encouraged to go digging for it.

What? The collage tool! This got me a little excited because once I had to give up using Voovoo the Vaio, I also lost quite a bit of photo processing power, and to create collages, I had to fire up PixlR. Which is fine, I really like that app, I pay the annual fee and use it a lot. I shall continue to do so. However, for speed and fun, creating a collage directly from Photos is a neat little trick that I can now do due to Sandra having pushed that button! So, I have taken some screenshots showing how it goes in the Pixel7 with Android 14... it will not be much different everywhere, just terminology may vary.

In Photos, click only the batch selector (1), 

then deselect the items NOT wanted by their individual tick boxes (2)

Then go down to the bottom of the screen and select the "add to" link (3)

Note that, for my phone anyway, there is a maximum of three images per collage permitted.

I note that there are possibilities of other image manipulation here ... movie, animation, cinematic...

It will have to wait until I get a lot more images gathered before I explore what they are about.

For our purposes here today, select the collage option.

As stated in the help pages given above, being a Pixel owner means I get to play with some quite fancy formats, as well as a standard collage layout.

You can see examples at the bottom of the screenshot.

And now, here is a finished one!


  1. I'll need to come back here to understand a few more things about Blogger. Right now, going to school.

  2. That's a fine collage, and some useful reference material too, should I get an urge to do something fancier with my images at some point.
    Cheers! Gail.

  3. thank you for being the tour guide on the way to a world I never understand... but now I can take some steps there to get my own collage ;O)

  4. When writing a blog, I use my tablet in portrait...but to get the side for tags, I turn it to landscape. That might help?

    1. Hari OM
      It's not about writing the blog - which I do only on my laptop - but the life posts... as noted above, the sidebar stuff reappeared this arvo, so just some tinkering under hood by Google at work... or gremlins... hey ho! Yxx

  5. Hi Yam - wish you were considerably nearer!! I've no idea - as long as people are happy to read what I post ... and cope with my images ... I'm a happy 'chappess' ... but I'd like to be more with it - cheers Hilary

  6. I like your collages and images. Cute doggie. Take care, have a wonderful weekend!

  7. this is not how i do collage on my android 14, samsung. i did not know this was there, just went out to take a look and i can do the collage and move the photos in google photos but if i want these fun backgrounds, like your last one which is my favorite, i must purchase that ability. 49 for the year. your pixel must give you access. so glad you did this, now i have 5 different ways to make collages, and 3 are on my phones. woo hoo... you and I feed off each other very well. thanks again

  8. Oh wow, this is interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  9. What great information!! Don't even get me started with Blogger.
    I am so sorry, I totally forgot about FFF this month.

  10. That's great, Thank you so much for sharing :)

  11. I should give it a try.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  12. Sorry about your gremlins! I love your needle work!


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