What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoshirring; Give A Gal Some Shears...

... she WILL use them! As lamented last week, I made a major change. Apart from a couple of times in my life, I have always had long hair, varying lengths, but always sufficient to 'dress'.

My hair was thick, slightly wavy, and generally easy to manage.

It could be piled up high...

Left loose...

...or tied in a simple chignon -
which was my go-to style.

But as can be witnessed from that last image, I have been struggling to keep the mop under control. Not only has the balding gene stolen my Widow's Peak and begun to steal into my crown, but the quality of the hair has changed dramatically since the menopolyxinaemia kicked in. It became brittle, so lots of straggly, untameable bits. And when brushing or combing, great lumps came away. It became so thin even the clips and clamps that used to struggle with the thick hair now struggled to find any hair to keep a hold of and were constantly slipping.

So last week, the scissors took off the bulk. Then on Wednesday, a brand new shiny rechargeable shears kit arrived, and another inch was removed.

I may take it back even more with the next shearing. The beanies cover a multitude of messiness. It is also now quite clear why beanies are more than necessary! As to which...

Here is the next crop of crochet; a bandana-style cowl to go with the second of the stripe cosy hats, then a bowl-beanie created from the rim to the crown and a pair of mitts to match. The cowl is an adaptation of a large shawl pattern I will be making at some point, so half counts towards the pattern stash breaking I have been meaning to do!


  1. You definitely will be warm this winter! The hair cut is lovely and quite stylish. I wonder if a doctor has checked your thyroid of late.

  2. You are truly beautiful - both inside and out. Talented too.
    You were game to chop it off at this time of the year though.

  3. we always see you in the photos... this smile is always your "trademark"... beautiful ...

  4. I am so glad you posted the photos of you from the past. so beautiful and i very much enjoyed meeting the old you.
    your new hairstyle looks great and very much like mine is, except i have bangs. i too have a really high forehead and that is why i have bangs. to hot to wear beanies but the bangs made the forehead shorter. you saw what happened when the bangs were short... love those wrist warmers, the colors are beautiful. good job on finding a way to do your own hair. i might end up doing that,

  5. Your new cut looks wonderful and it will be so much easier to care for! We've said it before and we will say it again - you are absolutely amazing with your crochet hook!

  6. It is sad as hair gets thinner as we age, and other problems make it worse...but changing beanies is better than changing hair dye!!

  7. You look beautiful in all the photos. I have the same gene, my hair is getting so thin. I love your cute beanie and the cowl, well done. Take care, have a great day!

  8. Ah, the ravages of advancing years! My hair was already bidding adieu by my late thirties and has quite vacated its encampment now! Your new cut looks perfectly fine to me, and in the moments when you think it isn’t so, you will have a wide choice of covering, so all is well!

  9. I love your new Do...YAM and it will be so much easier to manage when you start your next trek in the Grey.
    Such colorful beanies too
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Your short locks look great! I've had short hair for many years now. My hair has always been fine, thin, and straight so I too would struggle with any type of clip staying in it when it was long. Your crochet creations look great and will do well to keep the chill out.

  11. The hats are cosy and fabulous!

  12. I have always loved your beanies, and these new creations are so colorful!!

  13. A beautiful window to your personal life!

  14. Hi Yam - whoa ... that is short!! You had a wonderful head of hair ... well now the beanies make up for the shear-cut! Fun post ... keep warm ... cheers Hilary


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