What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

A few weeks back, I shared a little about using photo editing on the smartphone. When I spotted Magiceye's nifty slide show on a post last week, he said he was prompted to explore and experiment after that post. Today, for a little change, here is a short slideshow of some highlights of my 2023. (There was a recent update on the app, so this minimovie is a brand new feature!)


  1. Very nicely done! You've had a lovely year with many high points, haven't you?

  2. A lovely review of the year. I remember seeing most of these fine images in your posts. Great job!

  3. that is so super great!!! we looked for that to use it at insta... thanks!!!!!!!!!

  4. You've had a wonderful 2023!

  5. Beautiful highlights from this past year. It was a wonderful year! Take care, have a great day.

  6. I see Tigger, I see Nobby, I see the Big Gray snuggled up against the brick. love it... for some reason Gray appealed to the artist eye in me. love that photo. you can look back from the future and remember the fun from your travels.

  7. Well done! Now can you control the speed of the slides?

    1. Hari OM
      No, but this new update does at least leave them a couple of seconds longer than the animation feature you used. The music comes in that little tool too! Yxx

  8. OM YAM...standing ovation. I remember each of the clips; however, turned into a moving with music gives them a brand new look. WOW!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. What a wonderful slide show and the choice of music was perfect!

  10. You took us on a quick journey over the recent past... Most of these images float in memory...

  11. What a great retrospective look at the past year.


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