What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; A Grey Upgrade (Rather More Words Than Peeks)

You may recall I had a Black Friday binge and got myself a new microwave as well as an air fryer. Both with a view to using them in The Grey. All good and well. However, unless I have Grey's battery at full function (like engine idle in ICE vehicles), in order to utilise the power on board, I must make use of portable power packs. That is why I bought the Bluetti 1000 last year before the big trip. It meant being able to run the refrigerator without break, as well as being able to boil the kettle or use the induction hob and only having to use the van battery to recharge the Bluetti once each day. However, 1kw is not sufficient for the new equipment, both of which require 1200w. If I utilise the heater I have on hand, that requires 1500w. A second and more powerful pack is definitely required. BF didn't bring any to a price I was prepared to pay. I waited.

Last week, the bargain came! This power unit is 2400w and normally retails at around the £1350 mark. With the discount code plus an Amazon flash discount, I got this beauty for £1036.77 and trust me, that is mighty fine! The same wattage unit from Bluetti, despite also being on sale at the moment, was coming in at forty quid above the undiscounted Aferiy. Simply no contest.

This one has it over the Bluetti insofar as it has a full currency converter on board, so no noisy charging. Indeed, even the fan, when it kicked in for cooling, was barely noticeable. The Bluetti, I have to say, is a whiney beast when charging. The Aferiy, based on this first charge up, also wins the bells and whistles for speed of charge. It went from the 27% arrival charge up to 99% in forty minutes... the Bluetti takes around two and a half hours!!! The last one per cent takes a lot longer on both, but frankly, I wouldn't bother about that, in the same way, I have only once ever fully charged The Grey, as he gives me plenty of running power from 85%.

Thus, I am now going to swap the refrigerator running to the A and keep the B as a dedicated phone/laptop charger, and for running my LED light lamp/s and other small things.

The A has a compartment on top. The manual makes no reference to it. One assumed it was for holding the charging leads that came in a very nice zippered bag. As the bag was oblong, the leads would have to come out of it. However, on opening, it became very clear that no way would both leads fit in there - indeed, even one barely does, and there is just not enough depth to hold the main AC lead with the UK-style plug. 

A bit odd. Then it struck me... I would have to store the XHover somewhere... (I was going to give that another name, but the existing ex on the name naturally slipped out with the Xhosa click - so it stuck!) 

The lid of the packing box had to be removed, but this is a lovely snug and secure fit for the mini-drone. The battery charging unit for it and the carry bag fit nicely in with the leads in their zipper bag. Sorted!

It's 22kg, so will take a bit of heft to get it down the stairs and into The Grey. Anyway, you'll next see it when in situ. Am hoping to be on the road around the 23rd.

Now, as it is MNV day, a couple of gratuitous window shots; The Christmas Moon, then New Year's Venus and its double-glazing ghost.


  1. The really exciting news is that you plan to be on the road around the 23rd! (Of February I assume?)
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Beautiful shots.
    You are getting nicely organised, good to see it

  3. that was a super buy... since we have the air fryer we don't want to be without... so great that it can travel with you now... air fryer fries in the middle of your land while watching the sea... that is happiness... oh... and hellmans baconaise (the best vegan thing ever)

  4. Hi Yam - I congratulate you on your ability to do all these things ... well done is all I can say! I hope the weather is reasonable by the 23rd ... not long now. Good for you - cheers Hilary

  5. The new battery sounds great, it seems like you have everything under control. Ready to roll, I am excited for you.
    Take care, have a great day!

  6. You will be well-prepared and ready to travel soon! How exciting for you!

  7. you are most definitely Sorted and ready to ROLL... what a great deal and now we will need a post on just how you will get that heavy thing down and into grey... hope someone is there to help with that. I know i could not carry it at all.

  8. You are going to be as well equipped as the International Space Station! When will you be embarking on your next trip?

    1. Hari OM
      ?................. re-read the post, David! Yxx

    2. The 23rd huh? I will be in Cuba when you begin your adventure.

    3. Hari OM
      Already - lucky you! Looking forward to seeing your reports once more. Yxx

  9. This looks amazing. Our kids documented their adventures with their car that ran on cooking oil. Now their EV provides lots of entertainment. Good work, YAM, and good luck! XX

  10. YAM
    YAY for your preparations The Grey and you are sittin' on go.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. PS the 23rd of February! That is just around the corner. I'm excited for you

  12. Wow! Am looking forward to your on the road tales!

  13. We are so glad you found a good bargain and that this new equipment will serve you so well. You are so knowledgable about all that you need for your vehicle. No clue here whatsoever:)

  14. It sounds like you are well sorted for your energy needs in the Grey. We can't wait to hear about your upcoming adventures.

  15. Sounds like you are going to be prepared for all your power needs!


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