What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menowercogitatus; Tickling The Little Greys

Time for another podcast post. I suspect you will all have surmised by now that I am partial to reading/listening to things that will make my brain work. The intellect is a tool that can be honed, stretched, moulded and challenged. It does not always have to be a forensic enquiry, history, or current affairs situation. It's okay to have a bit of lighter entertainment without necessarily 'dumbing down'. That is why I quite enjoy the distraction of foodie podcasts. 

Podcasts such as Comfort Eating with Grace Dent...

Both have a silliness about them, but also a degree of pathos and a lot of deep and meaningful about the importance of food in life and community/society. And then there is Empire Of Tea with Sathnam Sanghera. (It's a BBC podcast; I hope it is available for all, but maybe a search on your chosen streamer will bring it to you.)

And sport. Sport is distracting, right? I am following a series just now for the cycling enthusiasts among you - and I know I have several readers who fall into this category! Ghost In The Machine looks at the case of "motor doping" and the one and only person who, thus far, has been caught and banned from riding.

Then, reverting to type, we have Legacy with Peter Frankopan and Afua Hirsch in a somewhat more intellectual, exegetical series that has recently been launched.

This pair of presenters, both good in their own right, are not quite as slick and easy together as William Dalrymple and Anita Anand on Empire, and the show does feel rather more scripted... but this may simply be due to the nature of the approach being taken.

Legacy takes a long, deep look at some key historical figures through the lens of modern mores. This subject is very much to the fore these days, as in many corners, there is the discussion on maintaining historical accuracy versus interpretation and 'sanitisation'. So far, the three characters explored have been Napoleon, Rhodes, and Picasso, and just starting is the series on Gorbachev.

That's the lot for this quarter's roundup of listenings!


  1. Gail will of course be searching out the cycling podcasts.
    I am pleased to report that last night Gail and her team exercised their grey cells to good effect and won the fortnightly pub quiz!
    Nobby (the 'Team Indecisives' mascot).

  2. the off menu sounds like cooked for us LOL

  3. Interesting range of topics, it is good to tickle those grey cells. Take care, have a great day!

  4. I too am finding ways to tickle and shock the grey cells into what they should be. my brain gets its excercise trying to figure how to do things that are hard for me to do...

  5. There was a time when Gilbert and Sullivan operettas were considered light entertainment. If that’s the case, let’s have more.

  6. Those all sound like interesting podcasts to check out sometime.

  7. I am 100% positive I was Italian in another life...I could live on pasta. Don't even have to have marinara on it just butter and cheese is AOK
    Speaking of grey cells a student told me years ago that she always ate pasta before a test because it was brain food.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I follow a couple of strictly frivolous podcasts, How to be Fine, and The Daily Fail, both funny, kind, sometimes sharp observations. Just for fun!

  9. There really is a niche for these! Happy listening!


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