What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoptering; Being Dromanic

Regular readers may recall that I shared a little-used word for a wanderlust a few weeks back. Dromania. One who manifests dromania might be said to be dromanic. Interestingly, "droman" is a word in Gaelic which can be used in several ways, but mainly relating to ridge or the back. Given a lot of my physical discomfort comes from my spine, I could be said to be dromanic in that sense also! 

I am using it for this post because, after leaving Kinnaber Forest, I drove up to Banchory via the high road past Cairn o' Mount. Over a ridge in this Bonny Land, in fact. (So, I am not being dramatic about being dromanic!)

That was a slightly off 'ussie'. The Grey was there, but I got in the way! Thus, it ended up being a selfie. It's only fair that The Grey gets his, too.

The B974 is a most attractive drive. As the number suggests, it is a narrow road with plenty of twists and turns and significant climbs. My sturdy elephant managed that hill just fine. What was better was that on the downward run, the regen return was excellent! Cairn 'o Mount sits at 455 metres (1,493 ft) above sea level and provides quite the panorama.

As you may surmise, other than the view, the main purpose of stopping here is to plant a stone with a wish or prayer, or in remembrance, or simply to say, "Me wuz 'ere"...

We stayed parked up there for two or three hours, listening to the many vehicles that passed - some stopping briefly - enjoying lunch and reading blogs, watching the heather hide from the wind...

Then it was down into Banchory car park for the night. The skateboarders were busy there until nearly 10 pm. Fair enough, it was a lovely summer's evening with only one light shower. Had a good sleep and off early the next morning to go meet up with Gail and Nobby once more... 


  1. Easier to ascend Cairn o' Mount in a Grey than on a bicycle....

  2. I could ascend the Mount in a vehicle, but doubt I could walk it up and back down, and I know not on a bicycle since I would fall over even on flat ground. it is indeed a gorgeous panorama..

  3. If you go back again plant a rock for me, please. The heather is gorgeous, surely little is more emblematic of the Scottish Highlands and it evokes a special feeling, even in those who have never been there. I almost expect to hear the refrains of a lonely piper wafting over the hills and down into the valleys. I shall seek out a little pipe music this morning.

    1. Hari OM
      Will do, David - this is a road I like to travel and will definitely pass that way again! Yxx

  4. Dromania - love the sound of that word!
    Beautiful photos.

  5. Your photos are just gorgeous and I love your selfie!

  6. Well done Grey getting YAM up and over and around the hill and curves to see the beautiful sights
    The heather is beautiful
    Hugs cecilia

  7. Such beautiful scenery...and I also like the sound of dromania!

  8. What a lovely place to visit! We love the idea of leaving the stone in remembrance, private yet touching. That is a lovely selfie of you. Sometimes the best photos are the ones taken by mistake:)

  9. What a beautiful place to hang out for a while. Thanks for taking us along.

  10. Such adventures. It looks like a great spot. XX


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