What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorflexion; Alpha-Betting Resilience

Yesterday saw the letter "H" in the Martha Simpson affirmation alphabet. (Please note that this series has been given its own label here, of 'ABReflctions'.)

What about the "I"? Well, in one context you would now be directed over to my teaching blog and the deep philosophy of Beingness which is called Advaita Vedanta... however, in the context of resilience, according to our guide here, the word for today is 'intention', and definitely worth considering.


  1. Awww a good question. I hope my answer is simple I strive for good intentions always.
    Hugs to you and Dad

  2. Intention come up in yoga a lot too = come to the mat with intention, form an intention. The problem with my intentions is that they are immediately acted upon, to the detriment of whatever else was (or should have been\) on the immediate agenda. Which probably cycles me back to 'balance'.... Hope you are all well and finding a piece of joy in every day. F&P, F&T

    1. Hari OM
      nice observation - our intentions often do require balance in our lives in order to be executed to their fullest. I would say that sleep deprivation of the severest kind has interfered significanty with many of my intentions; but I do manage to find that little peep of joy - right here in Blogville! Yxx

  3. we will work on our intentions today.. this day is made for that. Even the daily tarot said this day is that day

  4. Literally I need to be intentional about some badly-needed housework

  5. My intentional is to 'be in the moment' as much as humanly possible ~ ha

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. I am trying to be intentional with all aspects of my life but especially my free time. I can waste it.

  7. Intentional stretching and exercise will benefit me and my family as it helps me to stay more healthy. Best gift I can give my family/future care givers.
    namaste, janice xx


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.