What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoAZinkulling: Z

...and so we arrive at the conclusion of a month and an alphabet - and it is also the day I usually designate as "Final Friday Fiction"... a lot of what happened during this past 14 months could have read as some sort of dystopian fiction. Instead, we lived the apocryphal Chinese Curse of living in interesting times! So here today, I summarise the posts and present my story about the letter zee/zed as depicted in the image to the right... Thanks all for joining in - there will be a 'review of April' coming up on Monday.




     the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history


The ideal word to end this A-Z here at Wild YAM, as you have been reminded of the story of –


Agitation and occasional Anger that the year has brought forward, which would result in me

Bawling just to let off steam.

COVIDitionitis revealed itself to me by making me feel

Dumb and Dowdy.

Eventful” took on a different meaning, whilst Energy was lacking. People became

Fatigued and Fretful.

Gratitude for small things, simple things, burgeoned.

Health was at the forefront.

Isolation grew to be a buzzword, and governments everywhere had to give

Justification for their decisions in sometimes unJust times.

Kindness grew among strangers – though it too was counterpointed

Language adapted to the crisis and many folk experienced Long Covid

Masks became fashion items as we continued to adapt, and we treasured interaction with

Nature, which seemed to know it could have its way with us. We moved almost entirely

Online, the Outlook became ever more elusive and the

Pandemic proliferated, and PPE became a battleground and

Questions abounded… yet we were still able to slip into our Quiet spaces and

Renew some skills and hobbies, Refresh ourselves and our homes,

Searching became an activity – searching for entertainment, searching for answers…searching for loopholes…Scotland’s identity became Stronger

Tears Tumbled, Tyranny Threatened as the behaviour of those in power became

Uliginous and Underhand. Also, there was more than a coronavirus that went

Viral. HAH! Videos of all sorts cluttered the ether waves. Volunteers, vaccination…

Work – and worry – sometimes a bit

eXtreme. Then again, the whole situation was eXtreme, not to mention eXhausting. Our

Young people will have long memories of interrupted schooling… and the YAMster has spent this month moaning on your screens about her version of

Zeitgeist – which is, I remind you, COVIDitionitis!!!


(note the links to each post on the first letter of the relevant line - except this one, of course!)

Roll on, May Day - and tomorrow normal programming returns!


  1. Thinking of you, Yam. We are coping. Just.

  2. Love the ABC poem. Great summary of the A to Z.

  3. Perfect!! What a wonderful ride this A to Z has been, thanks so much for the nudge to join in the fun!

    You can find my FFF Here:
    This is my FFF post!

  4. It's been a fascinating ride through your Covid alphabet. Thanks!

  5. we like the codid-o-bet... and maybe some words will stay with us furever... but hopefully not this sh*t virus, what ruined so much ....

  6. I bought some Korona strawberries, as I love strawberries. Hopefully I will get a good crop so I can eat Korona and make it go away...


    1. Hari OM
      HAH! Wouldn't that be an ideal, a fruit source of vaccination!!! I had my first straws of the season for my b'day - they were luscious. Yxx

  7. Standing ovation Yamini WOW I cannot even begin to imagine how much planning and time the A-Z challenge took.
    However, I can imagine that it must have been a type of mental and physical medicine..to write all this down.
    I know this blogs is personal journey and WELL done on the documentation.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Beautifully written.
    Stay well.

  9. You did it Yamini.
    When I first read your plans about entering the A to Z with 3 blogs, I thought wow! How is that even possible?
    Then I read your post on sattvik participants yesterdays and I found my answer to how you did it.
    You're an inspiration and a delightful friend whose comments and posts carry equal light and love.
    Hugs. xx

  10. I think your Z word might be the best of all.. it is so true, wild clapping over your ABC post for a whole month on TWO blogs. great job

  11. What a perfect word to end your series, Yamini. And bonus points for including an abecedarium within your abecedarium series. :-) It would be wonderful, and my heart's desire, that this review and reminder is the catharsis that shifts us all now.

  12. We have really enjoyed your journey A to Z, and we may go back and read a few again. You did a wonderful job.

  13. I am so happy that you took on this challenge! Thank you. The journey has been exiting and wonderful especially to read about the crisis from another perspective! You Rock!

  14. You have done a most brilliant job!

  15. Great way to round of this theme. I'm ready for a new zeitgeist to take over from Covid now! I've enjoyed your posts and themes on this and your other blogs. It's been great to 'meet' you and hope to keep in touch online. All the best, take care - and let's see what next Thursday brings!... Iain

  16. Sorry we've been a little absent this week. Work started to pile up a bit but we have a 5 day Easter to get on top of the mindset.... congratulations on completing you A-Z. What will normal programmi g bring? Have you been able to push any reset buttons while working through your plagued year? Furrings and purrings Mr T

  17. Hi Yam - congratulations on finishing and giving us all something to think about. Zeitgeist is a such a descriptive word - and one we need to do today. My 2nd jab today ... all the best - Hilary

  18. This is a creative way to end the challenge and a nice way to list all your a-z posts.

    Have a lovely day.

  19. Nice way to end the season. It was good fun, wasn't it?:-)

  20. You finished with zeal! namaste, janice xx


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